Health, Home Improvement, Lifestyle

Bedding Options to Soothe Allergy Symptoms

Seasonal and regular allergies can put quite a damper on things and cause suffering for millions of people. For those with even mild symptoms, allergies may lead to missed work or cancelled plans. Anti-allergy bedding can provide users with significant relief from their symptoms.

Three common allergens are dust mites, mold, and mildew. All three of these are known to build up in mattresses, box springs and pillows, and can cause consumers numerous health issues. To help keep these allergens at bay, there are many types of anti-allergy bed linens available for purchase.

Many doctors agree that the most effective anti-allergy bedding options will cover their corresponding product completely. For example, an anti-allergy pillowcase should encase the entire pillow, as opposed to simply covering it. Likewise, anti-allergy bed sheets should encase the entire mattress in order to properly protect the consumer.

Many anti-allergy fabrics are non-porous, which is highly effective. However, these products can create hot sleeping environments as they do not breathe well. Another more comfortable option is a microfiber polyester alternative or a cotton fabric with a laminated nylon membrane. There are many options that are soft, comfortable, and long-lasting.

Choosing anti-allergy bedding does not mean giving up style. There are designer bedding brands that offer plenty of these specialized linens. In addition, anti-allergy products often come in solid white, which goes well with numerous styles, and they can be hidden underneath outer layers of bedding to help maintain the desired look.

Bio: BeddingStyle is an online retailer for high-quality bedding from popular designers for the bedroom.

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