Written by: American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Acupuncture involves the stimulation of specific pressure points around the human body, with the goal of alleviating patient discomfort. Acupuncture primarily uses needles, but lasers and other heat sources may also act as substitutes. It’s a traditional practice in China, thought to correct imbalances in the flow of energy throughout our bodies. Though it has not always been an accepted form of medicine, acupuncture is a …
Dr. Sid Solomon Explains The Latest and Greatest…Botox® in the Dental Office!
Article Submitted by Dr. Sid Solomon DDS I am always searching for new technology and advances in the dental world. I feel it is my obligation to give my patients the absolute latest and greatest. In the last few years, dentists and myofacial specialists have realized the powerful potential of an unlikely substance in the dental office: Botox® and dermal fillers. Research and experience have proven that, in addition to smoothing out wrinkles, Botox® can …
The Importance of Your Spine
Article submitted by RB Spine Center. Everyone knows their spine is important. If nothing else, we understand a broken back is no joking matter. But most of us don’t take care of our spines like we should, because we don’t understand how important they are. For one thing, your spine acts to hold your body upright. It’s connected to a number of muscles in your back and core that keep your posture erect. Of course, …
Find All-Natural, Homeopathic Supplements for General Health
By Jessica PacificNaturals There are herbal supplemental alternatives to many ailments. Granted, if you are directed by a doctor to follow a specific prescription regimen, you should follow them. However, if you are interested in asking your doctor about something new, or if you are able to try supplements without needing to ask a doctor, there are many different supplements you can try. The following list isn’t exhaustive of what you can find online, but it …
Finding A Reputable Labiaplasty Doctor
When you are in need of a labiaplasty doctor who can offer you an affordable rate for the procedure or any other similar procedures it will require you to research the area that you live in and to ask for suggestions from others who have had this same service in the past. You should only use reputable doctors that have a high success rate with other patients and are able to provide you with references. …
Discovering the Cellan Diet
Whenever you’re altering your diet, it’s important to get a few vital things out of the way. For instance, if you’re on the Cellan diet discovery path, you must become more familiar with the pills’ properties and what they’re capable of doing for you. Likewise, consulting with your doctor about the diet modifications you’re considering, surely, would do no harm. When changing your weight-control regimen, it’s best to go about it in an intelligent manner. …